Hello Everyone
Today's post is a special one. You must have guessed from the title, it is a guest post. It is special because this is the first guest post on this small space of mine. I am very glad to have Usha share her recipe with us here.
Usha is a wonderful blogger who blogs at Mahas Lovely Home. She has some very interesting recipes. Please do visit her space. She has also started another blog with many blogger friendly tips and tricks.
Let me not waste more time. Over to Usha
Hi..Every one....Hope you all doing well by the grace of god...It`s friday..So,Guest post day....This time I am sharing recipe in a cool and soft nature person blog..She is KAVERI who writes at PALAKKAD CHAMAYAL...A very silent(I feel) and mother of two cute girls..Few times we chatted in FB and the topics are only about kids mostly..Being a mom I know how difficult to active in blogging, but she balance the time perfectly and managing home at the same time blogging equally I feel.Great dear..She shares healthy foods in her blog and mostly they are traditional and authentic recipes which are very new to me..The most Important Kaveri`s blog is vegetarian world. Her pictures shows the love on cooking and blogging. Also, I like her simple write ups and specially her dessert and sweet recipes. In that fruit salad in mango sauce is my favourite recipe one.When I asked about my guest post party she agreed it happily and after few days again sent message about recipe posting..I was pleased by seeing her affection and interest on a friend. I wish her all the best and also to Palakkad. Chamyal..Keep rocking dear..
white flour/maida-1 3/4 cup
brown sugar-3/4 cup
milk - 1 cup
cappuccino powder- 1 tbsp
coffee powder-2 tsp(or 1 tbsp)
olive oil-1/4 cup
salt-2 pinches
baking powder-2 tsps
baking soda-1/2 tsp
Sift flour,baking powder,soda and salt.
To this add oil,milk,sugar and mix well until combine ever thing.
Now add coffee+cappuccino powders and stir well..Preheat oven at 200 degree C.
Line papers in cup cakes and fill 3/4th.
Bake for 25 minutes or until done and check with knife or tooth pick
Once done, remove and let them cool and serve .
By Usha Rani G.
Thanks a lot Usha for this wonderful guest post. Wishing you many more years of happy and successful blogging.
yummy delicious cup cakes.
This one looks lovely Usha, great recipe.. Kudos to Kaveri and Usha for this lovely post..
lovely guest post with those yummy cup cakes
Lovely guest post and yummy cakes
thank u so much once again dear....wish u all d best to palakkad..:)
this looks so tasty and tempting..nicely baked
Beautiful post.. :) Hats off to both
That's a wonderful recipe and lovely guest post by Usha!
i'm seriously shocked that it is your first guest posting here!!! hmm... love usha's attitude, she's so cute and innocent, and the cupcakes just show the type of person she is... lovely...
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