Sunday, December 26, 2010

Moru Kootan

Moru Kootan – My husband’s favorite dish. He simply loves this curry made out of sour curd and ground coconut. This can be made with vegetables like Ash gourd, Pumpkin, Raw bananas, Carrots, Yam, or Colocassia (Chembu). Today I am  doing a post on Elavan moru kootan i.e. Ash gourd 

Ingredients                                         Serves 3 to 4 

1.       Elavan (Ash gourd) cut into big cubes – 1 cup
2.       Thick Curd (sour) – 1.5 cups
3.       Grated Coconut – 1 cup
4.       Green Chilies – 2 or 3
5.       Turmeric Powder – a pinch
6.       Mustard seeds – 1 tsp
7.       Dried Red Chillies - 1
8.       Methi seeds  - ¼ tsp
9.       Coconut Oil – 1 tsp
10.   Curry leaves


  1. In a vessel add the chopped ashgourd and about 1.5 cups of water. 
  2. Add turmeric powder and salt and boil until the ashgourd pieces are cooked.
  3. Grind coconut with green chillies into a paste. Use a little of the curd for grinding instead of water.
  4. Add the ground paste to the cooked ashgourd. 
  5. Mix well. 
  6. Now whisk the sour curd without any lumps and add to the coconut ashgourd mixture. Check for consistency and salt. 
  7. Simmer until the kootan froths up. Do not boil after adding curd. Remove from heat. 
  8. Temper with Mustard, Red Chillies and Methi seeds. Garnish with curry leaves. 


Shilpa Krishnan said...

Hey Swapna Akka,

The blog looks so 'Julie and Julia'. It would be nice if you added more of your experiences while cooking it, and anecdotes related to that dish and stuff like that. Take it from a journo, people love reading such stuff.

And yeah, where is my favourite - molagootam?? u only blogged its lesser cousin molagutiam.


Kaveri Venkatesh said...

Hey Shils,
Thanks for your comment. I have done the post on Molaguttal. Try it out and let me know how it turns out.

Alisa said...

Your recipes are wonderful and I love how you use different spices and chilies.I came across your site from the foodieblogroll and I'd love to guide Foodista readers to your site. I hope you could add this ash gourd widget at the end of this post so we could add you in our list of food bloggers who blogged about recipes using ash gourd/wax gourd,Thanks!

Unknown said...

I tried your morukootan. As my moru was little sour my moru kozambu become pulippu. Wht to do? How to correct it? Pls suggest

Kaveri Venkatesh said...

Hi Meenakshy

If the kootan is very sour, grind a little more coconut with a couple more chillies, grind with water, and add to the kootan. Adjust salt and add a little jaggery.

Unknown said...

Isn't this supposed to be pulippu? I use pretty much the same set of ingredients. The moru sour, the moru better, I say. :)

Moorthy said...

Thanks for the post. Can I add Nenthra Pazham in Moru Koottan & if so, does it need to be cooked separately? - Krishnamoorthy

Unknown said...

Dear Kaveri
My mother used to make Morukoottan, the way you have indicated.
I have tried it slightly differently. You could make a thick MoruKottan, by adding one spoon of Besan or Kadala Podi to the ground coconut and chillie mixture. This gives a much better consistency to the moru kottan.
C V Manian

Maitreyee said...

Tried this recipe with pumpkin. Used groundnut oil as cocunut was not available. Was delicious. Thanks :-)

Unknown said...

Can we use chembu instead of elavan? If so, what are the changes from the current recipe?

Divya said...

What goes with it... ( Which veggies beans cabbage,pickle or padam )

Anu said...

I learnt this recipe from my MIL. Along with the coconut and green chillies I also soak a tsp of cumin and a tsp of raw rice. Grind this together, the cumin gives a nice added flavour and the rice does not allow the curd to split and thickens the curry just right.

Love your blog.

Unknown said...

Very excellent presentation we always use for thickening and for non curdling use soaked rawricealong with rawcoconut, cumin seeds, green chillie Paste can also add semi roped banana along with yam

Gita Govindarajan said...

Your recipe for morkootan is very good; adding a little pepper while grinding coconut enhances the taste; got the tip from an elderly lady very good in Palghat cooking

Unknown said...

You can add a dash of jaggery

Arjun said...

Thank you very much for sharing and excluding a long boring monologue. This is very easy to navigate and keeps the page mobile friendly

Anonymous said...

You can try this with ladies finger also. Cut them into half in pieces fry them in oil till they're crisp and add them after you season the morkoottaan or just when before you serve. It tastes very well

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